What’s the Highest Legal Fence Height in Fort Worth?

by | Fences

If you’re building a new fence, you should figure out ahead of time the highest legal fence height you can build.

Here in Fort Worth, Texas, the answer is complicated: the highest legal height of your fence can be anywhere from 4 feet to more than 8, depending on the type of fence and whether or not you’ve got a permit.

That’s why it’s so important to work with a contractor you trust: They’ll know the regulations and work with you throughout the permitting process.

Read on for a detailed breakdown of the highest legal fence height in Fort Worth.

Height depends on a bunch of factors.

Here’s the answer straight from the source: Our city website, fortworthtexas.gov, says, “Fences in the front yard and projected front yard can be no more than 4 feet tall and open design picket style.”

Building permits are required for solid fences above seven feet and open fences above eight feet.

So, to break this down:

  • If your fence is in the front yard, the maximum height is 4 feet, and it must be open.
  • If it’s solid and not in the front yard, the max is 7 feet.
  • If it’s open and not in the front yard, it’s 8 feet.

There are more limitations for front yards.

So, your front yard fence must be open design. What the city means by that is “no more than 50 percent density.”

Wrought iron and picket style are the two examples the city provides, but other types are legal. In fact, you have a ton of options for different kinds of fences.

Permits are required in many cases.

You can go above the 7- or 8-foot height limit if you have a permit. You’ll also need additional approval for your fence if the property is in a historic district.

Permit applications can be completed online, but before you start filling one out, you should probably talk to a contractor.

Choose a contractor that knows the regulations.

Fort Worth fencing laws get more complex the more you read. If you want to do a deep dive into Article 5.305 of the Fort Worth Zoning Ordinance, you’ll see additional regulations for the highest legal fence height and more information for special situations like corner lots and slat-style fences.

But you probably don’t want to do all that, which is why you should pick a fencing contractor that is familiar with local laws. They’ll handle zoning laws and permits, saving you a ton of hassle and preventing unexpected delays and fines.

Use Juno Construction for your fencing needs.

We serve Fort Worth and surrounding cities, including Dallas, Arlington, and Plano — and we know the fencing laws in each of them.

We also offer:

  • Help with permit applications and regulations
  • Manufacturer material warranty and 2-year workmanship warranty
  • Insured fence installers and builders.

Contact us today for a free quote on your new fence.

– Carlos Rivero, Owner & Operator
Juno Construction Group, LLC

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